Radio For The Rest Of Us

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Episode 3 - Rock Block

Back again, finally after a long pause. My computer decided that it did not want to record so, I spent over a month trying to get it to work and finally achieved my goal, Hooray!! This episode is all about indie rock. I showcase bands from the UK and Canada that were formed in the later part of the first decade of the 2000's. I fixed some of the sound issues from the last episodes but there are still some pops. I don't feel that it impedes on the quality of the musicianship though. I'm currently working on the next 3 casts so, I hope I can get those out quickly to make up for the gap. I really like the bands in this episode and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Thanks for listening.

Monday, August 27, 2012


I have been getting some feedback asking for help with downloading and/or listening to the cast. To clear that up a little, I will attempt at giving some directions. To listen to the podcast you can click on the link below the picture of each post; right above the description of said post. The link should turn a different color when your mouse hovers over it.. This will open up the link in your browser and will take a couple minutes to  complete depending on: your browser, internet connection, and computer. To Download the podcast to your computer and listen at your leisure; you can right click on the aforementioned  link between the picture of a number and the paragraph of words describing the post. This will provide you with a series of options. One of them will be titled "save target as" or "save link as." Once this option is selected you will be prompted to save the file(.mp3) to your computers hard drive. Once the file is downloaded, please visit the place that you downloaded the file to and enjoy with your favorite music player (i.e. itunes, windows media player, media monkey, etc....)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Episode 2 - Soft and Salty

Hello again. Time for another episode. This one has a different format and was recorded with different equipment. The intent was to make it easier and sound better but, unfortunately, it did neither. The volume fluctuations are still there and  CPU pops are present in the first few songs. Please do not let these bother you because the music is phenomenal; way better than the first. I focus on indie rock, indie electronic, and some trip-hop/instrumental like goodness. I also throw song names out the window and focus on news and things I like. Again, if you would like to know the names of anything I play, let me know, and I will gladly let you know. My contact links are on the side panel. Also, you may notice a subscribe link. This is my RSS feed link and can be used with iTunes. I have the next few casts planned already and hopefully I will be getting to them shortly. Until then, Please enjoy and thank you for listening :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Episode 1 - And Now For Something Completely Different

It finally Happened!!! I took the leap and started a Podcast/Webcast. If you know me (which you probably do) I do not like the radio. Except for NPR and an occasional browse, I stick to CDs and MP3s. You might be thinking, "How do you find new music?" Without someone showing me what to listen to, I MUST FIND IT ON MY OWN!! Most people wouldn't find that fun and I can understand why. For me, it is the best thing ever; I cant help but do it. For the rest, there isn't much of an option. You can break down and listen to the easily digestible crap on the radio or find someone or someplace that can give you constant supply of super awesome content for your ear cavities. Well, if you plan on going with the latter, you've come to the right place. I rummage through lots of indie rock and electronic music all the time and no one ever hears the fruits of my labor (except my girlfriend and her cats). This podcast is my attempt to change that. The first installment is mostly electro house and dubstep but all casts will not be strictly electronic. This is going to be a radio show for the rest of us; So stay tuned.